Großer Europa Champion


Name: Hypnos vom Zankelstein
Breeder: Gudrun Fritsch
male, neutered
blue, carries sorrel
PK: free N/N
PRA: free N/N
PL: 0 (free)
Blutgruppe: A N/N
Coronavirus, Herpes, FELV
und FIV neg 12/2010
Giardien neg. 12/2010 + 9/2012
Mycoplasmen, Herpes, Chlamydien
and Calici neg. 08/2014

Hypnos' gallery


Hypnos was judged 31 x at cat shows and 4 x in Europ. ring. At his 31 benchmarks he got every time the first place - so he got 4x CACJ (Jugend-Championat), 3x CAC (Championat), 4x CACIB (Int. Ch.), 4x CAGCIB (Großer Int. Ch.), 7x CACE (Europa Ch.), 8x CAGCE (Großer Eu. Ch.), and CACM (Weltchampionat). So in my cat club he needed 16 CACM's we decided, this would be too much stress for a cat.
His results at 4 Europ. Ring judges he got 2x first place, 1x 4. place and 1x 6. place!
Here you can see his trophies from one weekend:
2 x 1. place, 2 x Best in Show, 2 x Best in Colour und both titel award points!
Copyright by

Gudrun Fritsch - Somali-Cattery - Spain